Coil binding
Coil binding is a great way to pull together the pages of your report, workbook or other documents. Durable enough for mailing, it comes in a wide variety of colors and sizes, and is a cost effective way to add that professional touch. We offer a complete range of coil binding solutions and can help you find the perfect fit for your document. Contact us today.
Price list
*Other sizes available. All pricing includes labor. Taxes are extra.
8 mm coil - $2.00
12 mm coil - $2.50
18 mm coil - $3.25
25 mm coil - $3.75
1/4" cerlox - $1.50
1/2" cerlox - $2.00
3/4" cerlox - $2.50
1" cerlox - $3.00
1 1/2" cerlox - $4.00
2" cerlox - $4.50
Clear covers - $1.00
Plain back cover - $.25
Colour covers - $2.25
B&W covers - $.75